The effect of varying time at -Gz on subsequent +Gz physiological tolerance (push-pull effect).

Autor: Banks RD; Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, North York, Ont., Canada., Grissett JD, Saunders PL, Mateczun AJ
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: Aviation, space, and environmental medicine [Aviat Space Environ Med] 1995 Aug; Vol. 66 (8), pp. 723-7.
Abstrakt: Introduction: Previous studies have demonstrated decreased +Gz tolerance when preceded by 0 Gz or -Gz, referred to as the "push-pull effect." The purpose of this experiment was to observe the effect of varying time duration at -Gz on the push-pull effect.
Methods: During single sessions, six subjects (three men, three women) were subjected to five relaxed exposures to +2.25 Gz on the NAMRL Coriolis Acceleration Platform (CAP). The first and last exposures were control runs that were preceded by +1 Gz. Each experimental run was preceded by -2 Gz for 2, 5, or 15 s. Blood pressure (BP) was monitored using the Finapres at the level of the clavicle. Visual light loss was assessed at +2.25 Gz using a light bar.
Results: Mean BP was significantly reduced when the +2.25 Gz exposures were preceded by -2 Gz. Following 15 s of -2 Gz, mean BP decreased more and was slower to recover than for 2 and 5 s of -2 Gz. Reported incidents of visual light loss were: 1 following 2 s, 2 following 5 s, and 4 following 15 s at -2 Gz. There were no reports of visual light loss during control runs.
Conclusion: During relaxed conditions, the push-pull effect is augmented by increasing duration of the preceding -Gz.
Databáze: MEDLINE