Abstrakt: |
The mucosa of infundibulum, ampulla and isthmus of fallopian tubes from 24 female goats aged from 2 months 24 days to 5 years 2 months and 18 days have been studied. The transition of mucosal folds, the lining epithelium and its cell types from Infundibulum towards uterine end, and changes in relation to the age and phases of estrous cycle have been reported. The most striking findings were: a) in goat the fallopian tube like that of sheep was lined chiefly by nonciliated type of cells in infundibulum, whereas the ciliated cells increased caudally, almost all being nonsecretory type in the isthmus; b) the presence of smooth muscle cells as identified with Gomori's one step trichrome stain was observed in the goat fallopian tube in case of mucosal folds specifically at the sites of branchings which anastomose with the adjacent ones; c) the PAS positive secretory material was found to be associated with glycogen acid mucopolysaccharides and mucoproteins as demonstrated by Best's carmine, Alcian blue-PAS and Bismark brown reactions, respectively. |