Abstrakt: |
A screening questionnaire for bulimic symptoms was completed by 244 college women. Approximately 79% reported binge eating (uncontrolled, excessive eating) occurrences. Twenty women (8.2% of the sample) reported self-induced vomiting after binge eating or "normal" meals. A subsample of 31 students were interviewed and administered the Restraint Scale, Compulsive Eating Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, and The Tennessee Self Concept Scale. Results showed a number of significant differences among students who binged only (" bingers "), self-induced vomiting (" purgers "), or did not binge or purge ("controls"). Bingers and purgers showed greater restrained eating tendencies and compulsive eating behaviors. On the 16PF, purgers scored lower on Factor Q3, which suggests lowered will control and less regard for social demands. Purgers also showed lower self-esteem, particularly in the areas of identity and family self-concept. |