Abstrakt: |
Six centers participated in comparative studies of female sterilization conducted by the international Fertility Research Program. The incidence of technical failures (or failed attempts) was compared between patients sterilized with the tubal ring and those sterilized with other tubal occlusion techniques. The tubal ring was associated with a higher failure rate than electrocoagulation, the Rocket clip, or the modified Pomeroy technique. Of 1,035 tubal ring sterilizations, there were 38 technical failures. Reasons given by the operators for the failures, by frequency of occurrence, were surgical complications, conditions preexisting in the patients, and problems with the instruments. Most of these failures were remedied by changing to other techniques. In two patients, the procedure was completed by changing the approach from laparoscopy to laparotomy. In five others, sterilization was not completed. Case-control analysis was performed and three risk factors were delineated: obesity, prior use of an intrauterine contraceptive device and previous abdominal operations. |