Abstrakt: |
The results from several experimental approaches lead to the following conclusions. The nucleus cuneiformis projects to at least lumbar levels of the spinal cord. Its axons course through the ipsilateral sulcomarginal and ventral funiculi to distribute within lamina VIII and adjacent portions of lamina VII. Neurons within the nucleus reticularis pontis (RP), particularly within more medial parts of the nucleus, project through comparable routes to the same laminae. In addition, however, neurons within the lateral and dorsolateral RP relay through the lateral and dorsolateral funiculi, ipsilaterally, and the dorsolateral funiculus, contralaterally. Axons could be traced from the dorsolateral tracts to laminae IV through VII, lamina X and, in some instances, to laminae I and II. Injections of the dorsolateral pons also label the intermediolateral cell column and an area presumed to be the sacral parasympathetic nucleus. Many of the neurons which contribute to the contralateral bundle are located adjacent to the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. The nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis projects mainly via the sulcomarginal, ventral and lateral funiculi to laminae VIII and adjacent portions of lamina VII. The nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis pars ventralis innervates the same laminae; but, in addition, projects heavily to laminae I and II, to lateral portions of laminae IV through VII; to laminae IX and X and to the intermediolateral cell column. Axons destined for laminae I and II, as well as IV through VII and X, traverse the dorsolateral funiculi as described for the cat by Basbaum et al. ('78). Neurons within the nucleus reticularis parvocellularis project to cervical levels, mainly through the ventral funiculi. In general our results show that reticulospinal projections are more complex than suggested by degeneration methods and that laminae I, II. lateral parts of laminae IV-VII, laminae IX and X, as well as the intermediolateral cell column and sacral parasympathetic nucleus are targets of axons from specific areas. |