Abstrakt: |
Three groups of 18 animals were exposed respectively to the following large doses of dibenz (b.f)-1:4 oxazepine (CR) aerosols, 78,200,140,900 and 161,300 mg/min/m3. Animals were killed at intervals from 15 min to 2 days, and the lungs examined macroscopically, by electron microscopy and conventional histology. There were no deaths during or after exposure. Macroscopically the lungs from all rats appeared normal. Microscopically there were a few areas of mild congestion, haemorrhage and emphysema, but there was little variation between the different groups. Electron micrographs revealed some morphological alteration of the epithelium and endothelium but only occasional changes in the interstitium. The alterations took the form of "ballooning" of the endothelium with isolated foci of swelling and thickening of the epithelium. Interstitial oedema was observed in one animal only which was exposed to the highest concentration. The effects appeared similar in all groups, and are thought to be transient. The results of this investigation suggest that even high doses of CR aerosols cause minimal damage to the lung, and the structural alterations which do occur are believed to be due to the stress to which the animals were subjected during the exposure period. |