Abstrakt: |
Comparison of pathomorphological lesions in the brains of white mice inoculated with viruses isolated in Africa from shrews, in America from bats, in Czechoslovakia from rodents (6 strains) and classified into the rabies group, with those observed in the same animal species infected with street rabies virus and virus of human acute encephalomyelitis (HAE) established the peculiar features of the reactive processes distinguishing these infections from each other. In contrast to the reactions after inoculation with street rabies virus and HAE, 24 hours after inoculation of white mice with Lagos bat, Ib An 27 377, 297 BF, 548 BF, 808 BF, 482 SG, 598 SG, and 638 SG strains hemorrhagic foci were observed; within 48 hours multiple perivascular cuffs were formed in the brain, and degeneration of the Ammon horn down to its disappearance and formation of multiple voids in the brain tissue were observed. Cytoplasmic inclusions in neurons of the cerebrum cortex and Ammon horn in the form of small paired formations with a pinpoint basophilic granule inside could be detected 24 hours postinfection. Later in the disease, the number of inclusions found diminished sharply. |