[Towards a new way to classify diabetes mellitus].

Autor: Hofbauer S; Service d'endocrinologie, diabétologie et métabolisme, Département de médecine, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, 1011 Lausanne., Papastathi C; Centre médical de l'obésité et du diabète, 2000 Neuchâtel., Wojtusciszyn A; Service d'endocrinologie, diabétologie et métabolisme, Département de médecine, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, 1011 Lausanne.
Jazyk: francouzština
Zdroj: Revue medicale suisse [Rev Med Suisse] 2024 May 29; Vol. 20 (876), pp. 1074-1077.
DOI: 10.53738/REVMED.2024.20.876.1074
Abstrakt: Precision medicine makes it possible to classify patients into groups on the basis of molecular and genetic biomarkers, as well as clinical characteristics, in order to optimize therapeutic response. For example, several types of type 2 diabetes seem to coexist with classic insulin-dependent, autoimmune type 1 diabetes : diabetes with insulinopenia (generally severe), diabetes linked to aging or obesity (less severe), and diabetes with insulin resistance, whose patients will be those with the most numerous complications, notably macrovascular. In this article, we examine the possibilities offered by this new classification of diabetes with a view to personalized medicine.
Competing Interests: Les auteurs n’ont déclaré aucun conflit d’intérêts en relation avec cet article.
Databáze: MEDLINE