An analysis of the gender and social determinants of health in urban poor areas of the most populated cities of Pakistan.

Autor: Ahmed KA; UNICEF Pakistan, St. 5., Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad, Pakistan., Grundy J; College of Public Health, Medicine, and Veterinary Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Australia., Hashmat L; Civil Society Human and Institutional Development Programme - CHIP, CHIP House # 1, Street # 9, G.8/2, Islamabad, Pakistan., Ahmed I; Civil Society Human and Institutional Development Programme - CHIP, CHIP House # 1, Street # 9, G.8/2, Islamabad, Pakistan., Farrukh S; UNICEF CO Yemen, Sanaa, Yemen., Bersonda D; UNICEF Consultant, Manila, The Philippines., Shah MA; EPI Program, National Institute of Health (NIH), Prime Minister's Health Complex, Park Road, Chakshahzad, Islamabad, Pakistan., Yunus S; EPI Program, National Institute of Health (NIH), Prime Minister's Health Complex, Park Road, Chakshahzad, Islamabad, Pakistan., Banskota HK; UNICEF, Pakistan, St. 5., Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: International journal for equity in health [Int J Equity Health] 2022 Apr 18; Vol. 21 (1), pp. 52. Date of Electronic Publication: 2022 Apr 18.
DOI: 10.1186/s12939-022-01657-w
Abstrakt: Background: Recent surveys, studies and reviews in urban areas of Pakistan have highlighted the impacts of social inequities on access of women and children to health services for women and children in Pakistan.
Objectives: The Urban Slum Profiles and coverage surveys were conducted between 2017 and 2019. The objective of the profiles was to obtain an updated listing of slums and other underserved areas, and to better understand current vaccination and health service coverage in these areas. Utilising findings from these studies, this paper aims to better understand the gender and social determinants of health that are giving rise to health inequalities in the slums.
Methods: The Urban Slum Profiles adopted a mixed methods approach combining both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study was comprised of two main survey approaches of Urban Slum Profiles and Immunisation Coverage Survey in 4431 urban poor areas of the 10 most highly populated cities of Pakistan.
Results: Findings are classified into six analytic categories of (1) access to health services, (2) female workforce participation, (3) gender-friendly health services, (4) access to schools and literacy, (5) social connections, and (6) autonomy of decision making. Out of a national sample of 14,531 children in urban poor areas of 10 cities, the studies found that just over half of the children are fully immunised (54%) and 14% of children had received zero doses of vaccine. There are large shortages of health facilities and female health workforce in the slums, with significant gaps in the quality of health infrastructure, which all serve to limit both demand for, and supply of, health services for women and children. Results demonstrate low availability of schools, low levels of female literacy and autonomy over decision making, limited knowledge of the benefits of vaccination, and few social connections outside the home. All these factors interact and reinforce existing gender norms and low levels of health literacy and service access.
Conclusion: The Urban Slum profiles and coverage studies provide an opportunity to introduce gender transformative strategies that include expansion of a female health workforce, development of costed urban health action plans, and an enabling policy environment to support community organisation and more equitable health service delivery access.
(© 2022. The Author(s).)
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