Cleaning Products Fact Sheet: Default parameters for estimating consumer exposure: Updated version 2018

Autor: Meesters JAJ, Nijkamp MM, Schuur AG, te Biesebeek JD
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: 2018.
DOI: 10.21945/RIVM-2016-0179
Abstrakt: Accurate estimation of consumer exposure is a necessity in assessing the potential risks of chemical substances in consumer products. RIVM has developed the computer program ConsExpo, for which recently an online version was launched (ConsExpo Web), to estimate such exposure. ConsExpo Web can be used to calculate indoor consumer exposure to substances during the use of for example paint, cleaning products and personal care products. Fact Sheets that describe default models and default values for exposure parameters have been written for users of ConsExpo Web. Using these models and default values, the exposure assessment is performed in a standardised and transparent way. Several Fact Sheets are available. Following the update of the General Fact Sheet in 2014, the Cleaning Products Fact Sheet is now updated as well. The Cleaning Products Fact Sheet describes default values useful in estimating exposure to substances in a cleaning product, such as for frequency of use and product amount. The updated version of the Cleaning Products Fact Sheet describes the latest data sources. This new information has been evaluated and the default values are adjusted when necessary. The defaults in the ConsExpo database of amongst others laundry detergents, dishwashing products, all-purpose cleaners, abrasives, bathroom cleaners, floor, carpet and furniture cleaners and other cleaning products, will be renewed parallel to the publication of the revised Cleaning Products Fact Sheet.
(© RIVM 2018.)
Databáze: MEDLINE