Abstrakt: |
Three phylogenetically, morphological and functionally different pools of fatty cells are function in vivo according phylogenetic theory of general pathology. The first one is a phylogenetically early and limited in number of cells pool of visceral fatty cells of omentum and retro-peritoneal cellular tissue. The late in phylogenesis insulin renders no regulatory effect on visceral fatty cells. The visceral fatty cells deposit fatty acids in the form of triglycerides providing with energy substrates implementation of six biological functions: biological function of homeostasis and trophology, biological functions of endoecology and adaptation, function of continuation of species and cognitive biological function. The pathology of visceral fatty cells under alimentary overeating of physiological food develops metabolic syndrome. In the process of implementation of feedback mechanism visceral fatty cells secrete leptin. The second one is a later in phylogenesis, potentially larger in number of cells pool of insulin-dependent subcutaneous adipocytes. This pool, potentially unlimited in number of insulin-dependent subcutaneous adipocytes, is destined to provide with energy substrates produced by adenosine triphosphate only one biological function - a function of locomotion, motion at the expense of contraction of cross-striated skeletal myocytes. The characteristic of function of fatty acids is that they deposit fatty acids in the form of non-polar triglycerides in composition of lipoproteins under receptor endocytosis; release fatty acids only in form of into intercellular medium. The unesterified fatty acids are bound by lipid-transporting protein albumin. The main pathology of insulin-dependent subcutaneous adipocytes is obesity with expressed proliferation of insulin-dependent subcutaneous adipocytes. The insulin-dependent subcutaneous adipocytes synthesize adiponeсtin for implementing feedback mechanism. The third one is a pool of brown fatty cells. The physical chemical processes of oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation are uncoupled in mitochondria of these cells. The mitochondria of brown fatty cells mainly produce calories of heat energy. The brown fatty cells, functioning in warm-blooded animals, support constancy of temperature of body, biological function of homeostasis under winter sleep (period of hibernation) in animals and in the first weeks of post-natal life of Homo sapiens. Three pools of fatty tissue are developed from different sources. |