Abstrakt: |
The natural substrate (phosphorylase a) and two alternative ones (phosphorylated histone and a tetradecapeptide consisting of residues 5-18 of rabbit skeletal muscle phosphorylase a) were used to distinguish the modes of action of some physiologically important effectors of four different molecular forms of rabbit liver phosphorlase a phosphatases. In general, glucose, caffeine, AMP, ADP, Pi, and glucose-1-P showed substrate-directed effects for the holophosphatase forms, since they usually did not affect the activity on histone phosphate and, with one slight exception (Pi), never affected the activity on the tetradecapeptide phosphate. ADP, Pi, and glucose-1-P did affect directly the relative mass (Mr) 35,000 phosphatase, in addition to an inhibition mediated via phosphorylase a. ATP exerted both substrate- and enzyme-directed effects for the Mr 35,000 phosphatase and phosphatases 1 and 2A2, but only a substrate-directed effect for phosphatase 2A1, suggesting that the gamma-subunit of the type 2 phosphatases may prevent ATP binding to the phosphatase. Mg2+ showed substrate-directed effects for phosphatases 1, 2A1, and 2A2, and an additional enzyme-directed effect for the Mr 35,000 phosphatase form. Furthermore, Mg2+ could not abolish ATP inhibition of the tetradecapeptide phosphatase activity, but significantly overcame ATP inhibition of the phosphorylase a phosphatase activity, thus suggesting that its ability to reverse the ATP effect is by a substrate-directed mechanism. The substrate-directed effects seen for the different ligands on the different phosphatase forms strongly indicate the significance of this form of control in the regulation of phosphorylase a phosphatase activities and may serve to narrow the otherwise broad substrate specificities of the major phosphorylase a phosphatase activities in mammalian tissues: phosphatases 1 and 2A. |