Abstrakt: |
Basing on analysis of the examination and treatment results in 53 patients, suffering iatrogenic injury of ureter (IIU), the indications for ureteric reconstruction using intestinal segment were the ureter long irreversible changes, while renal function preserved. A segmental ureteric plasty was done in 8 (15.1%) patients, a subtotal one--in 16 (30.2%), total--in 14 (26.4%), and bilateral--in 15 (28.3%). With the objective to prevent the bladder-intestinal reflux occurrence a distal part of the intestinal transplant was modeled. In 35 (66%) patients 2 - 3 cm of distal part of intestinal mucosa were turned out with the wrap formation. In 18 (34%) patients the creation of antireflux wrap was added by its modeling in a kind of intraileal plasty with formation of two separate channels in the intestinal-bladder anastomosis region. While performance of intraileal plasty of the bladder-intestinal reflux have occurred in 2 (11.1%) patients, and after procedure with the wrap formation--in 13 (37.1%). |