Determinant Factors in Locating Main Occluding Area on Dental Arch.

Autor: Kasahara T; Department of Prosthodontics, Matsumoto Dental University., Nakatsuka Y, Yamashita S, Mitsui T, Tanigawa Y, Kuroiwa A
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: The Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College [Bull Tokyo Dent Coll] 2015; Vol. 56 (3), pp. 161-8.
DOI: 10.2209/tdcpublication.56.161
Abstrakt: The purpose of this study was to investigate which were the most important factors in determining the location of the main occluding area by comparing its site on the dental arch between patients treated with implant-supported prostheses and those with a shortened dental arch (SDA). Twenty-five patients with Eichner B1 occlusion were enrolled in the study. The molar region in each quadrant was always edentulous. Fifteen patients were treated with implant prostheses, while the remaining 10 patients had SDA. Each patient was instructed to clench a piece of temporary stopping in the occluding area that was preferably used during mastication. The main occluding area was determined by locating the tooth on which the temporary stopping rested during clenching. The main occluding area was located ipsilaterally to the edentulous side in the molar region more often in the implant patients than in the SDA patients. The results of the present study suggest that the most important factor in determining the main occluding area is the presence of bilateral rigid molar occlusal support.
Databáze: MEDLINE