Evaluation of cytotoxic and antimicrobial effects of two Bt Cry proteins on a GMO safety perspective.

Autor: Farias DF; Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Federal University of Ceará, 60440-900 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil., Viana MP; Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Federal University of Ceará, 60440-900 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil., de Oliveira GR; Graduate Program in Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, Federal University of Paraná, P.O. Box 19011, 81531-98 Curitiba, PR, Brazil ; National Center of Genetic Resources (Embrapa-Cenargen), Parque Estação Biológica-PqEB-Avenida, W5 Norte (Final), P.O. Box 02372, 70770-917 Brasília, DF, Brazil., Beneventi MA; National Center of Genetic Resources (Embrapa-Cenargen), Parque Estação Biológica-PqEB-Avenida, W5 Norte (Final), P.O. Box 02372, 70770-917 Brasília, DF, Brazil., Soares BM; Graduate Program in Pharmacology, Federal University of Ceará, 60430-270 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil., Pessoa C; Graduate Program in Pharmacology, Federal University of Ceará, 60430-270 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil., Pessoa IP; Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Federal University of Ceará, 60440-900 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil., Silva LP; National Center of Genetic Resources (Embrapa-Cenargen), Parque Estação Biológica-PqEB-Avenida, W5 Norte (Final), P.O. Box 02372, 70770-917 Brasília, DF, Brazil., Vasconcelos IM; Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Federal University of Ceará, 60440-900 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil., de Sá MF; National Center of Genetic Resources (Embrapa-Cenargen), Parque Estação Biológica-PqEB-Avenida, W5 Norte (Final), P.O. Box 02372, 70770-917 Brasília, DF, Brazil ; Graduate Program in Gemonics Sciences and Biotechnology, Catholic University of Brasília, SGAN Quadra 916, Módulo B, W5 Norte, Asa Norte, 70790-160 Brasília, DF, Brazil., Carvalho AF; Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Federal University of Ceará, 60440-900 Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: BioMed research international [Biomed Res Int] 2014; Vol. 2014, pp. 810490. Date of Electronic Publication: 2014 Jul 23.
DOI: 10.1155/2014/810490
Abstrakt: Studies have contested the innocuousness of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry proteins to mammalian cells as well as to mammals microbiota. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic and antimicrobial effects of two Cry proteins, Cry8Ka5 (a novel mutant protein) and Cry1Ac (a widely distributed protein in GM crops). Evaluation of cyto- and genotoxicity in human lymphocytes was performed as well as hemolytic activity coupled with cellular membrane topography analysis in mammal erythrocytes. Effects of Cry8Ka5 and Cry1Ac upon Artemia sp. nauplii and upon bacteria and yeast growth were assessed. The toxins caused no significant effects on the viability (IC50 > 1,000 µg/mL) or to the cellular DNA integrity of lymphocytes (no effects at 1,000 µg/mL). The Cry8Ka5 and Cry1Ac proteins did not cause severe damage to erythrocytes, neither with hemolysis (IC50 > 1,000 µg/mL) nor with alterations in the membrane. Likewise, the Cry8Ka5 and Cry1Ac proteins presented high LC50 (755.11 and >1,000 µg/mL, resp.) on the brine shrimp lethality assay and showed no growth inhibition of the microorganisms tested (MIC > 1,000 µg/mL). This study contributed with valuable information on the effects of Cry8Ka5 and Cry1Ac proteins on nontarget organisms, which reinforce their potential for safe biotechnological applications.
Databáze: MEDLINE