[Ecologically-dependent vitamin-minerals insufficiency in the sportsmen's organism].

Autor: Rakhmanov RS, Kuznetsova LV, Blinova TV, Strakhova LA, Tsarapkin VE
Jazyk: ruština
Zdroj: Gigiena i sanitariia [Gig Sanit] 2014 Mar-Apr (2), pp. 70-3.
Abstrakt: The authors revealed the reduction of saturation of iron, copper, zinc, E and B2 vitamins in sportsmen's organism under high physical exercise. The negative effect was associated with the duration of training - competition cycles. The reduced vitamin-mineral saturation of the organism was associated with the low ferritin level and an imbalance in the hormonal regulation of erythropoiesis. The state of erythropoiesis can be a criterion performance of athletes, whereas a degree of saturation of the body with minerals and vitamins can be the criterion for prenosological diagnosis of their health and professional relevance.
Databáze: MEDLINE