Abstrakt: |
Activity of the phosphoinositide system of the intracellular signalization was studied in offspring of rats exposed to severe hypobaric hypoxia at the 14-16th (group 1) or the 18-20th day (group 2) of prenatal development. At the age of 15 days, in animals of both experimental groups the basal level of triphosphoinositides in the brain cortex was shown to be elevated as compared with control. In the group 1 this parameters also remains elevated in adult animals. Application of glutamate produces a more pronounced increase of the inositephosphates in brain sections of the 15-day old rats of the group 1 than in sections of animals of the control group. In the 15-day old rats of the group 2, as compared with control, the phosphoinositide response to glutamate application was reduced. No changes in the inositephosphate levels were revealed after application of glutamate upon sections of adult (the 90-day old) control animals and of adult rats of the group 2. In sections of adult rats of the group 1, on the contrary, the glutamate application produced an increase of the inositephosphate content. The obtained data indicate essential changes of the phosphoinositide metabolism in the brain of rats exposed to action of hypoxia at the period of prenatal development. The character and the degree of these changes depend on the period of development when the action of hypoxia occurs. |