Abstrakt: |
On the basis of analysis of surgical treatment of 753 patients with coxarthrosis during 1970-1987, the authors set forth the stages of arthroplasty development in the USSR, using the experience of the Kharkov research institute of orthopaedics and traumatology named after M. I. Sitenko on the problems of arthrodesis operations, endoprosthetics and biological arthroplasty. In the article are presented the peculiar features of diagnostic and surgical tactics in case of patients with idiopathic and dysplastic coxarthrosis; operation technique for each form is presented in details. The authors have developed a new perosseous access to the hip joint, which made a good showing and permits to preserve the integrity of periarticular muscles and neurovascular formations. Application of the given access made possible the extension of indications for arthroplasty in case of grave forms of coxarthrosis, met earlier in a reserved manner. |