Mortality rates and prognostic variables in children with adult respiratory distress syndrome.

Autor: Timmons OD; Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City., Dean JM, Vernon DD
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: The Journal of pediatrics [J Pediatr] 1991 Dec; Vol. 119 (6), pp. 896-9.
DOI: 10.1016/s0022-3476(05)83039-2
Abstrakt: In a retrospective chart review of cases of adult respiratory distress syndrome in our pediatric intensive care unit from 1987 to 1990, we attempted to identify the physiologic variables predictive of death. We identified 44 children with adult respiratory distress syndrome; the mortality rate was 75%. We found significant differences between survivors and nonsurvivors in intrapulmonary venous admixture (Qsp/Qt), mean airway pressure (Paw), alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference (P(A-a)O2), oxygenation index, and peak inspirator pressure; Qsp/Qt greater than 0.5, Paw greater than 23 cm H2O, and P(A-a)O2 greater than 470 mm Hg were 93%, 90%, and 81% predictive of death, respectively, in this study population. Sensitivity and specificity were enhanced when we linked multiple predictors, but this linkage was seldom successful because few patients had more than one positive predictor. We propose to use the individual predictors that we have identified as randomization criteria in a future trial of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for pediatric cases of adult respiratory distress syndrome.
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