A step-by-step model of TBP/TATA box binding allows predicting human hereditary diseases by single nucleotide polymorphism.

Autor: Ponomarenko PM; Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, pr Akademika Lavrent'eva 10, Novosibirsk, 630090 Russia., Savinkova LK, Drachkova IA, Lysova MV, Arshinova TV, Ponomarenko MP, Kolchanov NA
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: Doklady. Biochemistry and biophysics [Dokl Biochem Biophys] 2008 Mar-Apr; Vol. 419, pp. 88-92.
DOI: 10.1134/s1607672908020117
Databáze: MEDLINE