[Surgical treatment of acute purulent inflammatory processes in the pelvic area].

Autor: Ventskovskiĭ BM, Zhegulovich VG, Marchenko VV
Jazyk: ruština
Zdroj: Likars'ka sprava [Lik Sprava] 2007 Jul-Sep (5-6), pp. 76-82.
Abstrakt: The article gives the results of laparoscopic treatment of 126 patients with the acute inflammatory diseases of annexums of womb and pelvis-peritonitis using ozone solution of antibiotics in the process of operative period. The dynamic laparoscopy was done in 17 cases. Advantages of ozonotherapy were determined during the endosurgical treatment of abscess-inflammatory diseases of the organs of small pelvis in women.
Databáze: MEDLINE