Atrioventricular valvular angiectasis in Sprague-Dawley rats.

Autor: Fang H; Department of Pathology, Drug Safety Evaluation, Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Syracuse, NY 13221-4755, USA., Howroyd PC, Fletcher AM, Diters RW, Woicke J, Sasseville VG, Bregman CL, Freebern WJ, Durham SK, Mense MG
Jazyk: angličtina
Zdroj: Veterinary pathology [Vet Pathol] 2007 May; Vol. 44 (3), pp. 407-10.
DOI: 10.1354/vp.44-3-407
Abstrakt: Subendothelial heart valve angiectasis has been reported in cows, dogs, pigs, rats, mice, and in human fetuses and newborns. We observed a high incidence (62 in 208 animals examined) of spontaneous angiectasis on the atrioventricular (AV) valves in 10- to 40-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats. The angiectasis was observed predominately on the septal cusp of the right AV valve and located near the AV ostium in 57 of 62 animals. Of the remaining 5 valvular angiectases, 2 were present on the parietal cusp of the right AV valve and 3 were on the left AV valve. The angiectases were single or multiple, ranging from 40 to 300 microm in diameter and were characterized by light microscopy as blood-filled dilatations lined by endothelium. Spontaneously occurring abnormalities in normal laboratory animals, such as the spontaneous valvular angiectasis reported here, need to be differentiated from drug-related lesions.
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