[2 site-specific endonucleases of the cyanobacterium Nostoc linckia].

Autor: Mel'nik AI, Rebentish BA, Bolotin AV, Mendzhul MI
Jazyk: ruština
Zdroj: Mikrobiologicheskii zhurnal [Mikrobiol Zh (1978)] 1991 Mar-Apr; Vol. 53 (2), pp. 24-8.
Abstrakt: Two restrictases Nli387/7 I and Nli387/7 II have been isolated from cyanobacterium Nostoc linckia using chromatography on phosphocellulose, "Mono Q" column, and heparin sepharose 4B. The preparations are described by the method of electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel under denaturing conditions. Catalytic properties of restrictases are determined: optimal pH of the action--9.0--9.5, optimal concentration of Na+--5 mM, that of Mg2+--6 mM, optimal temperature--37 degrees C. The isolated enzymes are isoschizomers of restrictases avaI and AvaII. The point of cutting is determined for enzyme Nli387/7 I. It is shown that restrictase Nli387/7 I is a false isoschizomer Ava I.
Databáze: MEDLINE