Abstrakt: |
Pseudomonas testosteroni H-8 oxidizes certain lower alkylbenzene sulfonates at rates inversely related to the length of the alkyl group. Appreciable Q(O)2 values were observed for benzene sulfonate (BS), toluene sulfonate (TS), and ethylbenzene sulfonate (EBS), but not for propylbenzene sulfonate (PS) and higher homologues. Catechol oxidation was catalyzed by a constitutive catechol-2,3-oxygenase (EC 1.99.2.a). Yellow meta cleavage products accumulated when BS-grown cells were exposed to catechol, 4-methylcatechol, 3-methylcatechol, EBS and PS, but not BS or TS. Traces of a yellow metabolite (probably 2-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde) were detectable during growth on BS. PS completely inhibited growth on BS, but not on L-leucine or nutrient broth. Also, PS antagonized respiration on BS and catechol, but not glutamate, the extent of inhibition being directly related to PS concentration. Formation of a meta cleavage product from PS, and inhibition of catechol oxidation by PS, suggested that the actual inhibitor may not be PS itself, but a metabolite. |