Abstrakt: |
Phylogenetic data concerning the circulatory and the macrophagic systems in epineural invertebrates and in vertebrates are exposed. On this basis, the taking into consideration of a large general and complex system of defence is proposed as a work hypothesis. Within this system, two subsystems of the IInd order are described: the 1st represented by the epithelial organs, and the IInd by the immunogenic ones. In the first case, the epithelial cell populations (epithelial organs from the IInd step of author's classification, Vth note) play a dominant role in the local defence. The stroma and capillaries are dominating the defence process in the organs with covering epithelia (IIIrd step), in which the endothelia, the pericapillary membranes and the histiocytes are intervening; the antibody formation is missing. The immunogenic subsystem--the most evoluted form of the antiblastic and antinfection defence--comprises all the organs and formations of the old RHS. This IInd order subsystem is subdivided into two other subsystems of the IIIrd order: one comprises the primary lymphoid organs and the other, the secondary ones. Within the first began the differentiation; within the second, differentiation of cells participating in the cellular and humoral immunity is improved. Thus, each subsystem of the IIIrd order is subdivided into immunocompetent and non-immunocompetent cell lines (subsystems of the IVth order). Some reactions interpreted as expressions of cellular exchanges (open systems) providing the division and differentiation, especially of T and B lymphocytes, are described. The various terminology still used for the old RES and RHS is criticized and a new provisional terminology is proposed. |