[The immediate and late results of Billroth-I gastric resection with the application of the single-row suture].

Autor: Zemlianoĭ AG, Bugaev AI, Malkova SK
Jazyk: ruština
Zdroj: Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova [Vestn Khir Im I I Grek] 1992 Sep-Oct; Vol. 149 (9-10), pp. 167-71.
Abstrakt: An experience with gastric resections in 942 patients with ulcer disease of the duodenum is presented. Billroth-I resection was used in 760 patients (81%). The posterior wall of the gastroduodenal anastomosis was formed with the help of a one-row blanket catgut suture in 118 of these patients. Complications at the postoperative period were noted in 10 patients (8.5%). No lethal outcomes followed. Good long-term results in patients with Billroth-I resection of the stomach with a one-row suture of the posterior wall of the gastroduodenal anastomosis were noted in 98.6% of the cases.
Databáze: MEDLINE