[Protective effect of A-agonists in a minimum invasive model of spinal cord ischemia in rats].

Autor: Sufianova GZ; Department of Pharmacology, Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia., Usov LA, Sufianov AA, Shapkin AG, Raevskaia LIu, Golubev SS
Jazyk: ruština
Zdroj: Eksperimental'naia i klinicheskaia farmakologiia [Eksp Klin Farmakol] 2003 Jan-Feb; Vol. 66 (1), pp. 23-6.
Abstrakt: The neuroprotective properties of N6-cyclohexyladenosine (CHA) and N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CPA), adenosine receptor agonists (A-agonists), were studied on a model of spinal cord ischemia (SCI) in rats (most closely reproducing the analogous clinical pathological process in humans). The SCI model was induced by intravasal occlusion of the abdominal aorta and its branches. CHA and CPA were introduced by intracerebroventricular injections in a dose of 25 micrograms/kg, 60 min before SCI induction. The protective effect was judged by comparing the patterns of neurological and histopathological disturbances in the untreated control (ischemia) and on the CHA or CPA background. The A-agonist CPA produced a pronounced, statistically reliable neuroprotector effect on the minimum invasive SCI model studied. CHA is also a statistically reliable but less effective neuroprotector. The A-agonists may have good prospects in clinics.
Databáze: MEDLINE