Abstrakt: |
Zipper has more than adequately demonstrated that quinacrine, when placed in the uterine cavity, has a sclerosing effect on the tubal ostia, resulting in chemical sterilization of the fallopian tubes. His technique involves the use of 3 monthly instillations of 250 mg of pellets into the uterine cavity. With the hope of reducing the total dosage and making it a 1-insertion technique, quinacrine has been mixed with polyethylene oxide and place on the arms of various IUDs. It is hoped that the material is directed at the tubal ostia. Studies to date have occurred in women awaiting hysterectomy with careful pathologic examination of the intramural portion of the tube. The results thus far are most encouraging and once the best vector is identified, it is hoped that this will become an acceptable means of female sterilization. |