Abstrakt: |
The influence of hypertonic mannitol on regional myocardial blood flow and ventricular performance in awake, intact, unsedated dogs with myocardial infarction resulting from chronic occlusion of the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery was studied. tmannitol given to increase serum osmolality 20 mOsm increased regional myocardial blood flow to that portion of the left ventricle supplied by the occluded left anterior descending coronary artery by 22 +/- 2.8% (1.06 +/- 0.19 to 1.36 +/- 0.23 ml/min with g-1) without changing the inner:outer wall flow ratio. Mannitol also significantly increased regional myocardial blood flow to other areas of the left ventricle and the ventricular septum. Mean aortic pressure, maximal LV dP/dt, LV dP/dt/P, and cardiac output also increased significantly after mannitol. Thus hypertonic mannitol increases regional myocardial blood flow and ventricular performance in the awake, unsedated dog with prolonged occlusion of the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery. The increase in regional myocardial blood flow after mannitol under these circumstances probably is at least in part secondary to the increase in blood pressure and contractility. The increases in regional myocardial blood flow after mannitol in this study are less impressive than those that have been previously reported in the setting of either no myocardial ischaemia or acute myocardial ischaemia; this is probably due to the vasodilatation that chronic myocardial ischaemia itself produces in the canine heart. |