[Composite materials, carbon fiber-resin: a solution to the problem of aging of denture bases of removable prostheses].

Autor: N'Dindin AC; Section de prothèse adjointe-UFR d'odonto-Stomatologie-Université de Cocody, Côte d'Ivoire., N'Dindin GB, Amani SR, Morenas M
Jazyk: francouzština
Zdroj: Odonto-stomatologie tropicale = Tropical dental journal [Odontostomatol Trop] 2000 Dec; Vol. 23 (92), pp. 13-7.
Abstrakt: The growing age of resin prosthesis is a worry for dentists, and chiefly for patients. Their reinforcement with carbon fiber appears to be a solution that frankly improves their life expectancy.
Databáze: MEDLINE