Elmadağ. A neighborhood in flux.

Autor: Danış, Didem
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Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Istanbul Institut français d'études anatoliennes 2014.
Druh dokumentu: Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: The focus of this research is to analyze the social and spatial transformations of a bounded area, the neighborhood of Elmadağ, whose most noteworthy factor has been the perpetual migration flows since its emergence as a neighborhood in the 19th century. According to the authors, the functional transformation Elmadağ is currently going through needs the explanations history can provide in order to be apprehended in full. Interdisciplinary, the research blends sociological, anthropological and historical approaches and combines micro and macro perspectives.
Databáze: Vybrané kolekce e-knih