Autor: |
Siek, Michael |
Jazyk: |
angličtina |
Informace o vydání: |
Milton : Taylor & Francis Group, 2011. |
Předmět: |
Vydání: |
1st ed. |
Druh dokumentu: |
Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document |
Abstrakt: |
Summary: Accurate predictions of storm surge are of importance in coastal areas. This book focuses on data-driven modelling using methods of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory for predicting storm surges. A number of new enhancements are presented: phase space dimensionality reductionincomplete time seriesphase error correctionfinding true neighboursoptimization of chaotic modeldata assimilationmulti-model ensemblesThese were tested on the case studies in the North Sea and Caribbean Sea. Chaotic models appear to be are accurate and reliable short and mid-term predictors of storm surges aimed at supporting decision-makers for flood prediction and ship navigation. |
Databáze: |
Vybrané kolekce e-knih |
Externí odkaz: |
Kolekce e-knih KNAV (Registrovani uzivatele: plny text online 5 minut, dalsi pristup na vyzadani. Registered users: full text online 5 minutes, further access on request.) (Registrovani uzivatele: plny text online 5 minut, dalsi pristup na vyzadani. Registered users: full text online 5 minutes, further access on request.) (Registrovani uzivatele: plny text online 5 minut, dalsi pristup na vyzadani. Registered users: full text online 5 minutes, further access on request.) (Registrovani uzivatele: plny text online 5 minut, dalsi pristup na vyzadani. Registered users: full text online 5 minutes, further access on request.) (Registrovani uzivatele: plny text online 5 minut, dalsi pristup na vyzadani. Registered users: full text online 5 minutes, further access on request.) (Registrovani uzivatele: plny text online 5 minut, dalsi pristup na vyzadani. Registered users: full text online 5 minutes, further access on request.)