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Summary: First published in 1983, this easy-to-follow guide to the Dragon 32 was designed to introduce users of the much-loved home computer to many of its most advanced features. This was achieved through listings of sample programs that pushed the machine to its limits, displaying fancy graphics and making the very most of its excellent sound capabilities. Though it was more powerful and quicker than many of its competitors, the Dragon 32 never gained the success of other 8-bit computers of the day such as the Commodore 64 or the ZX Spectrum. Despite this, the classic machine still retains a dedicated following to this day. Not only is this remastered version perfect for hobbyists and collectors, it is also a highly useful resource for those interested in programming retro games and utilities.* * *As the original publisher Melbourne House wrote:TEACH YOUR DRAGON TO ROAR!A fresh and highly creative collection of ready-made programs designed specifically for the Dragon 32 micro. Cre. |