Luciana. [electronic resource]

Autor: Wells, Maggie (Maggie B.), author
Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Minneapolis, MN : EPIC Press, [2016]
Druh dokumentu: Online; Fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: Luci remembers how the boys kissed her. She remembers how they touched her and told her she was beautiful. Sometimes she can hear their voices in her head, begging her for more. And she can remember how it felt when she gave it to them. For a while anyway. But when she finds out that she is pregnant she has to face her father and the dark family secret that he's been hiding. Ultimately, she decides to abort the baby. Will she ever be at peace with her decision? Can she overcome the regret and loss she feels and get on with her life?
Databáze: Vybrané kolekce e-knih