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Steampunk soldiers
Navrhnout nákup titulu
Steampunk soldiers : uniforms & weapons from the age of steam. [electronic resource]
Smith, Philip
, author
Další autoři:
McCullough, Joseph A.
, author
Stacey, M.
(Mark), 1964-, illustrator
Informace o vydání:
Oxford, UK : Osprey Publishing, 2014.
Military uniforms -- 19th century -- Pictorial works
Art and technology
Between 1887 and 1895
the British art student Miles Vandercroft travelled around the world
sketching and painting the soldiers of the countries through which he passed. In this age of dramatic technological advancement
Vandercroft was fascinated by how the rise of steam technology at the start of the American Civil War had transformed warfare and the role of the fighting man. This volume collects all of Vandercroft's surviving paintings
along with his associated commentary on the specific military units he encountered. It is a unique pictorial guide to the last great era of bright and colorful uniforms
Military weapons -- 19th century -- Pictorial works
Steampunk culture -- Pictorial works
Electronic books
Druh dokumentu:
Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
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Kolekce e-knih KNAV Registrovani uzivatele: plny text online 5 minut, dalsi pristup na vyzadani. Registered users: full text online 5 minutes, further access on request.
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