Diffractive optical elements : design and fabrication with MATLAB codes. [electronic resource]

Autor: Bhattacharya, Shanti (Professor in Optics), author
Další autoři:
Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Bellingham, Washington : SPIE Press, [2017]
Druh dokumentu: Bibliographies; Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: "Given the many different applications and uses of diffractive optics, the importance of this field cannot be underestimated. This book supplements the available literature on diffractive optic elements (DOEs) by equipping readers with the skills to begin designing, simulating, and fabricating diffractive optics. The design of DOEs is presented with simple equations and step-by-step procedures for simulation--from the simplest 1D grating to the more complex multifunctional DOEs--and analyzing their diffraction patterns using MATLAB. The fundamentals of fabrication techniques such as photolithography, electron beam lithography, and focused ion beam lithography with basic instructions for the beginner are presented. Basic error analysis and error-correction techniques for a few cases are also discussed. The contents of all the chapters are supported throughout by practical exercises and clearly commented MATLAB® codes (the codes are also on an accompanying CD), making this book useful even to a novice programmer"-- Provided by publisher.
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