Water treatment : theory and practice. [electronic resource]

Autor: Sengupta, Sukalyan, author
Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: New York, [New York] (222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017) : Momentum Press, 2017.
Druh dokumentu: Abstracts; Bibliographies; Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
ISSN: 2375-3633
Abstrakt: Abstract: A primary responsibility of a water quality engineer is to supply potable and palatable drinking water to a community. This book covers the gamut of operations that are required to convert a raw water source--whether surface water or groundwater--to a quality that conforms to all federal, state, and local environmental standards for drinking water. This book includes basic chemistry principles that are indispensable to a fundamental understanding of water treatment operations. The goal is to enable the reader to quickly find all the information--without any need for multiple sources--required to clearly understand concepts that are integral to water treatment. Numerous solved examples throughout the book facilitate a step-by-step approach to any water treatment process.
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