John Warwick Montgomery's Legal Apologetic : An Apologetic for all Seasons. [electronic resource]

Autor: Clifford, Ross
Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Eugene : Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2016.
Druh dokumentu: Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: Dr Montgomery is one of our leading Christian apologists. His writings have influenced several generations of apologists from around the globe. His de- bates are legendary. This book purports to break new ground apologetically as it assesses Dr Montgomery's work. It focuses on his legal/historical apo- logetic and in the process reframes it for both for the 'tough minded' and the 'tender hearted'. It shows not only the rationality of Montgomery's work but also that his writings pave the way for an apologetic to New Age follo- wers and to those who place experience before reason. A special feature of this analysis concerns Montgomery's apologetic insights on the occult and paganism.This book also breaks new ground as the legal apologetic model has not been previously assessed; it illustrates that a juridical apologetic style has a rich history dating back to the Gospels themselves. The present work should thus be of particular interest to apologists, theologians, philosophers of religion, pastors, and all who are concerned to share the legal/ historical fact of the Resurrection of Jesus - together with its relevance - in a secular age.
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