Swift, the book, and the Irish financial revolution : satire and sovereignty in Colonial Ireland. [electronic resource]

Autor: Moore, Sean D., author
Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.
Druh dokumentu: Bibliographies; Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: In the 1700s, not all revolutions involved combat. Jonathan Swift, proving the pen is mightier than the sword, wrote scathing satires of England and, by so doing, fostered a growing sense of Irishness among the people who lived on the large island to the left of London. This sense of Irish nationalism, Moore argues, led to a greater sense of being independent from the mainland and, in what might be a surprise, more autonomy for Ireland than one might imagine. And so, when the good times rolled, Ireland got to keep much of its newly generated wealth. This was in sharp contrast to another British territory, consisting of thirteen colonies, where taxes tended to be increased with somewhat unpleasant consequences. What begins with a look at Swift's satiric writings ends up being a fascinating study of Colonialism and post-Colonialism--ever a subject of interest--allowing thoughtful and provocative insights into Irish and American history.
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