Neuro-ophthalmology review manual. [electronic resource]

Autor: Kline, Lanning B.
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Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Thorofare, New Jersey : SLACK, 2013.
Vydání: Seventh edition.
Druh dokumentu: Bibliographies; Handbooks; Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: "More than 30 years ago, Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual, presented a unique and user-friendly approach to address clinical neuro-ophthalmology principles used in everyday practice. The new Seventh Edition continues that tradition, providing a timely update, while also maintaining the same goals of past editions. Dr. Lanning B. Kline and Dr. Rod Foroozan are joined by seven contributors on this Seventh Edition who have organized the book to be clinically oriented to patients with neuro-ophthalmic disorders. The inclusion of over 130 illustrations and 29 tables allows for a user-friendly format and quick access to valuable information. The Seventh Edition provides a timely and comprehensive update to the current information, effective exercises, and case studies, as well as the addition of a chapter on neuroimaging. Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual, Seventh Edition is a succinct text for all practitioners and residents in ophthalmology, neurology, and neurosurgery. A popular choice among colleagues for more than 30 years, this a must have resource in neuro-ophthalmology"--Provided by publisher.
Databáze: Vybrané kolekce e-knih