The HIPAA Program Reference Handbook. [elektronicky zdroj]

Autor: Leo, Ross A.
Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Milton : Auerbach Publishers, Incorporated, 2004.
Vydání: 1st ed.
Druh dokumentu: Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: The HIPAA Program Reference Handbook explains all aspects of HIPAA including system design, implementation, compliance, liability, transactions, security, and privacy, focusing on pragmatic action instead of theoretic approaches. The handbook examines: HIPAA programs and processes; HIPAA standards and the compliance of products, policies, and technology; legal impacts and liabilities; transaction requirements; and security and privacy requirements. The section on transactions and interactions discusses the intricacies of the transaction types, standards, methods, and implementations required by HIPAA, covering the flow of payments and patient information among healthcare and service providers, payers, agencies, and other organizations.
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