SIDS sudden infant and early childhood death : the past, the present and the future. [elektronicky zdroj]

Další autoři:
Duncan, Jhodie, editor
Byard, Roger W., editor
Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Adelaide : The University of Adelaide Press, 2018.
Druh dokumentu: Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: This volume covers aspects of sudden infant and early childhood death and deals with the changes that have occurred over time with the definitions of SIDS, SUDI and SUDIC. It will be indispensable for SIDS researchers, SIDS organisations, paediatric pathologists, forensic pathologists, paediatricians, families, residents in training programs involving paediatrics, physicians, lawyers, law enforcement officials, and other experts in the field. The text will be indispensable for SIDS researchers, SIDS organisations, paediatric pathologists, forensic pathologists, paediatricians and families, in addition to residents in training programs that involve paediatrics. It will also be of use to other physicians, lawyers and law enforcement officials who deal with these cases, and should be a useful addition to all medical examiner/forensic, paediatric and pathology departments, hospital and university libraries on a global scale. Given the marked changes that have occurred in the epidemiology and understanding of SIDS and sudden death in the very young over the past decade, a text such as this is very timely and is also urgently needed.
Databáze: Vybrané kolekce e-knih