Memoirs of Baron Stockmar. [elektronicky zdroj]

Autor: Stockmar, Ernst Alfred Christian, author
Další autoři:
Müller, F. Max, editor
Jazyk: angličtina
Informace o vydání: Place of publication not identified : publisher not identified, 1881.
Druh dokumentu: Online; Non-fiction; Electronic document
Abstrakt: Summary: Christian Friedrich Baron Stockmar (1787-1863) was physician and advisor to Prince Leopold, son-in-law of George IV and later King of the Belgians. He was influential in promoting the marriage of Leopold's nephew Prince Albert to Queen Victoria, and became a trusted advisor to them both. His involvement in English politics was often seen as German interference in English matters, while in Germany he was regarded as an English spy. These two volumes of his papers, selected by his son Ernst, were published in both German and English in 1872, and displeased Queen Victoria by its revelations about clashes between Lord Palmerston and the Prince Consort. Volume 1 covers the period 1814-1838, including significant events in European politics such as treaties, dynastic marriages, the accession of Leopold to the Belgian throne, the preparations for Victoria's accession to the throne and the plans for her marriage to Prince Albert.
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