Fines Hominis? Zur Geschichte der philosophischen Anthropologiekritik.

Autor: R�lli, Marc
Jazyk: neurčeno
Informace o vydání: Bielefeld, Germany transcript Verlag 2015
Druh dokumentu: Online
Abstrakt: Summary: For a good 50 years now, theses of �vanishing humanity�, its �dissolution�, or its �end� have been haunting philosophy. People constantly speak of the �death of the subject�. From Kant, Hegel, and Marx to Nietzsche, Heidegger, Adorno, and Foucault, a philosophical skepticism is manifesting which concerns �man�, pointing beyond him. This volume sheds light on the backgrounds and meanings of these �post-modern� postulations without succumbing to polemic prejudice. The different contributions reconstruct the historically relevant criticisms that speak out against an anthropological exaltation and absolutization of �mankind�. At the same time, the volume takes a philosophical stance against the current trend of naturalist images of humanity being revived in biological sciences and brain research.
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