Experimental modifications of the vascular arrangement during the initial development of roots on poplar shoot cuttings.

Autor: Lux, Alexander, 1923-
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: In rooting poplar shoot cuttings of identical morphogenetic characteristics at the same time, the author succeeded to evoke differences in the radial arrangement of the vascular system by different environment influences. More favourable rooting conditions in the green-house, when comparing with the less favourable field conditions, caused root formation with a higher number of alternating xylem and phloem poles. The representants observed (I 214,Populus deltoides var.monilifera, P. pyramidalis) did not react in the same way on the different onvironment. The hybrid I 214 was the most sensible. It was also possible to induce differences by indoleacetic acid (IAA) exogenous application. Not only the number of the roots formed increased in a highly significant manner in the cuttings influenced by IAA, but also the number of poles in the radial vascular bundles of the induced roots was higher in a highly significant way. From the results given above it can be deduced that external conditions affecting activation of dormant root primordia in poplars influence also the pattern of vascular tissue differentiation in formed roots.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR