Franz Kafka bei Lenka Reinerová, Alena Wagnerová und Libuše Moníková. Referenzen auf Kafka in den Texten deutsch schreibender Autorinnen mit tschechischem Hintergrund.

Autor: Balcarová, Markéta
Jazyk: němčina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The literature of the so-called Eastern Turn which dominates the German migration literature of the 21st century shows common thematic features regardless of the authors’ country of origin, but also differences related to the migration background of the author in question. German authors with Czechoslovak roots often refer to Franz Kafka in their texts. This has a pragmatic function - writers from the East want to establish themselves in the (West) German market by referring to this world-famous compatriot. Allusions to Kafka reflect the peculiar reception of his texts in a country with a communist dictatorship. Moreover, the references to Kafka in Reinerová, Moníková and Wagnerová are gender-specific: they are simultaneously an emancipatory settlement with a literary tradition shaped by men.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR