Contribution to the study of cytokinin production by phytopathogenic fungi.

Autor: Vizárová, Gabriela
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The excretion of cytokinins into the cultivating medium, which are produced by the phytopathogenic fungi Monilia sp. and Cytospora sp. has been investigated. All the isolates of the fungi used in the experiments (Monilia fructicola, Monilia fructigena, isolate 2 and 4,Monilia laxa isolate 3 and Cytospora sp. isolate CPL and C1) have been found to produce cytokinins. The production is increased during the formation of the fructification organs. Among the isolates investigated Monilia fructigena isolate 4 and Cytospora sp. isolate CPL showed the highest production of cytokinins. After chromatographic separation, cytokinin activity was found at RF 0.7-0.8 values by the biological test as well as by identification according to UV spectra. Application of purified cytokinins produced by the fungi evoked the formation of "green islands" on isolated barley leaves under in vitro conditions.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR