Effect of short-term geo-stimulation on the distribution of 32P in decapitated pea seedlings.

Autor: Husain, S. M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: Three-leaf pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. 'Alaska') seedlings were oriented horizontally and 32P was applied to leaf-2 for 6 h period, at the end of which the distribution of isotopes in the seedlings was determined. It was found that (i) isotope accumulation in the apices of the vertical and horizontal seedlings remained almost the same; (ii) on decapitation almost all the isotopes in the apex diverted to the roots in the vertical seedlings; (iii) among the horizontal seedlings 32P was retained in the hanging treated leaf and the rest moved to the roots via shoots; (iv) the dry weight of the hanging treated leaf was slightly greater than the above-axis one; (v) the position of buds on the axis had no effect on the initial 32P accumulation in them, however, a trend of greater isotope accumulation was noted in the above-axis basal buds; (vi) geo.stimulation had no effect on the total dry weight of the seedlings; and (vii) in geo-stimulated seedlings decrease in the dry weights of shoots and its concomittant increase in roots was primarily the result of the movement of substances.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR