A tight bound of modified iterative hard thresholding algorithm for compressed sensing.

Autor: Ma, Jinyao
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: We provide a theoretical study of the iterative hard thresholding with partially known support set (IHT-PKS) algorithm when used to solve the compressed sensing recovery problem. Recent work has shown that IHT-PKS performs better than the traditional IHT in reconstructing sparse or compressible signals. However, less work has been done on analyzing the performance guarantees of IHT-PKS. In this paper, we improve the current RIP-based bound of IHT-PKS algorithm from $\delta_{3s-2k}<\frac1{\sqrt{32}}\approx0.1768$ to $\delta_{3s-2k}<\frac{\sqrt5-1}4\approx0.309$, where $\delta_{3s-2k}$ is the restricted isometric constant of the measurement matrix. We also present the conditions for stable reconstruction using the ${\rm IHT}^{\mu}$-PKS algorithm which is a general form of IHT-PKS. We further apply the algorithm on Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM), which is one of the most popular tools for regression and classification learning but confronts the loss of sparsity problem. After the sparse representation of LS-SVM is presented by compressed sensing, we exploit the support of bias term in the LS-SVM model with the ${\rm IHT}^{\mu}$-PKS algorithm. Experimental results on classification problems show that ${\rm IHT}^{\mu}$-PKS outperforms other approaches to computing the sparse LS-SVM classifier.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR