Observations on the structure and ontogeny of stomata and trichomes on developing and mature pericarps of Cassia occidentalis L.

Autor: Reddy, P. K. R.
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Jazyk: angličtina
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: Paracytic, anisocytic, anomocytic, transitional forms, tetracytic, cyclocytic stomata and partly and completely amphicyclic forms are found, often on the same surface, in nine combinations. The most frequent type is paracytic. A few morphological variations in the basic types and eight types of abnormalities in stomata are recorded. The stomatal ontogeny may be mesogenous, mesoperigenous or perigenous. Trichomes are multicellular glandular club-shaped and unicellular eglandular. The taxonomic significance of stomata is indicated.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR